Careers and employment

Professional status
Expert in African-Asian Studies (SAA)
Job responsibilities:
The graduate in SAA will have a deep and interdisciplinary knowledge of national and international topics that concern countries in the AA area, thereby enabling him or her to analyse the situation in the global south based on a thorough understanding of that area.
The degree program in SAA aims at providing students with strong analytical and organizational skills, with particular importance on direct contact with the areas of interest.
Field-related competencies:
The emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach and language skills in the degree program are intended to allow the SAA graduate to work in state, European and international organizations.
Professional career opportunities:
The multidisciplinary curriculum of the degree program allows for a variety of career opportunities.
Such opportunities concern the private and public sectors, even though in recent years there have been fewer openings in the private sectors, especially with NGOs. However, the multidisciplinary curriculum affords graduates a high level of adaptability with respect to the type of professionals sought by the job market.
Among the many career opportunities open to graduates of the program are: foreign ministry positions and other international careers, research in public and private organizations (universities, international bodies, research centers in banks, etc.), and Italian and European administrative institutions. Knowledge of an Eastern language represents a strong point with regard to these professional opportunities.