The course

The Master’s Degree in African and Asian Studies (SAA) in Pavia is designed for students who seek a high-level educational path combined with direct engagement with the realities of Africa and Asia. SAA, representing a truly rare experience in our country and almost unique in northern Italy, offers the opportunity to deepen knowledge and skills related to these two vast regions of the world, while emphasizing the acquisition of language tools and the refinement of study areas typical of political, social, and economic sciences.

Furthermore, SAA has established institutional relationships with a range of academic institutions in various African and Asian countries, providing students with opportunities for active involvement in educational mobility experiences (please refer to the page dedicated to internationalization).

The study plan combines the study of mandatory courses such as anthropology, sociology, demography, political science, and development economics, which are aimed at understanding the current realities of African and Asian societies, with the study of elective courses in history to deepen knowledge of specific contexts (North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Middle East, India, China, Japan, and Southeast Asia). Special thematic attention is given to the study of international migrations, with three dedicated courses focusing on legal, sociological, and historical-political aspects.

The strength of SAA lies in its combination of multidisciplinary studies on Africa and Asia with the study of a non-European language and culture. Students can choose to study Arabic, Chinese, or Japanese, and those who have no prior knowledge of these languages will have the opportunity to catch up during the first year of the program. In comparison to a general degree in International Relations, SAA offers in-depth training on regional contexts in Africa and Asia, which can make a difference in one’s educational background and future career prospects.

Our Master’s degree program serves as an excellent introduction to fields of activity and professions that are crucial in the framework of our society, particularly concerning Italy and Europe’s relations with the rest of the world. It covers topics such as integration dynamics, migration flows, cooperation, the third sector, and businesses, in addition to more traditional academic studies and activities. The program opens up a wide range of career opportunities in international fields, including positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United Nations, various specialized agencies of the United Nations, research institutes, political analysis organizations, non-governmental organizations, and international cooperation structures. Many former students have also found employment in publishing and journalism, as well as in academia. Others have successfully utilized their area-specific skills in positions within private companies. Proficiency in an extra-European language is a valuable asset for pursuing these professional opportunities.